Delta-Tsawwassen - Beach Grove Rambles

Delta-Tsawwassen - Beach Grove Rambles

Saturday, March 1, 2025


This walk goes through the very old community of Beach Grove in Tsawwassen, South Delta. Beach Grove originated as a cottage community before the George Massey tunnel was built. In the 1930’s and 1940’s, it was considered a remote location – you had to take a ferry to get there! We will pass by some of the original cottages, as well as walk a scenic dyke, some mud flats and briefly visit Boundary Bay Regional Park.    The community has grown a lot since the “olden days” but provides a unique charm with lots of shady pathways on those hot summer days! We will also see the award-winning “Flandez House” (complete with rooftop piano) – an unexpected and stunning piece of modern architecture amid our “rambling” route!

Distance: 6k/10k

Trail Rating: 1B/2B

*** Registration starts 30 minutes prior to start time. All walkers must register no later than 5 minutes prior to start time. ***

Immediately following the walk, you may wish to join some of your fellow walkers for lunch at a nearby eatery.

For more info about this walk, send an email to "

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